FAQs: Further Updates; Maintenance

Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer pennylin at swbell.net
Wed Aug 1 14:11:04 UTC 2001

Hi everyone --

Some further things that need to be added/changed on the website Steve.

1.  Add in Peter Pettigrew (and Draco Malfoy (Malfoy Family) under
2.  Remove Similarities between Potters & Voldemort
3.  Under World of HP, add "British Education System"; delete Houses of
Hogwarts as that is included under the Hogwarts FAQ

Then, just upload most recent version of Fanfiction & Weasley Family and
we'll be caught up at present.

I had some thoughts about FAQs maintenance this morning.  I know I do
not have the time to maintain all 9 of the FAQs that I wrote, and I'm
sure other FAQ'ers feel the same.  My thought would be to hand-choose
some people to approach about maintaining specific FAQs before opening
it up to the group as a whole for volunteers.  Here are my thoughts
about my own FAQs --

1.  JKR -- This one probably won't require much maintenance since it's
mainly biographical info on Jo, but I'd just as soon not worry with it
myself.  I have no real thoughts on who might be willing to
maintain/update this one now & again.  Thoughts?

2.  Hogwarts -- This will require fairly extensive updating and seems
likely to be one that will need to be monitored for facts given in JKR
chats & such.  I nominate Steve V to maintain this one if he's willing
(given that similar maintenance will be done on his Lexicon site on this
topic).  <g>

3.  Mysteries & Inconsistencies -- This is a big project!  I am
constantly shifting messages into my FAQs-Mysteries folder as people
discover more & more flints, mysteries, etc.  I nominate Joywitch, Amy Z
or David as potential candidates to keep up with this one.  Are you
game, Amy or shall I approach Joywitch?

4.  Potential Romance Pairings -- I'll keep this one.  I'm sure you're
all relieved (and shocked).  <g>

5.  Government -- Not much required so I don't mind keeping this one

6.  Hermione -- I'm definitely keeping this one!!  Near & dear to my
heart ...

7.  Universal Appeal of HP -- I'll keep this one too as I am possibly
the only person who really cares much about it.

8.  Religion & HP -- Do I recall that Mike expressed an interest in
possibly maintaining/updating this one?

9.  Fanfiction -- I am not as involved in the fanfic world at present as
others are so I nominate Ebony, Heidi and/or Carole as candidates to
keep up with this one.  Thoughts ladies?  Any takers?

Neil, if I were you, I'd start buttering up Amanda for taking on
maintenance of that Snape FAQ.  <g>

Okay, that's it for now.


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