Tandy, Heidi heidi.h.tandy.c92 at alumni.upenn.edu
Fri Aug 3 10:10:54 UTC 2001

: takes off faqhat puda on FAhat...
Fictionalley would love to host any and all filk that are properly spelled
:} on the Riddikulus.org site...
Even those by anti-fanfic people

-----Original Message-----
From: Amy Z <aiz24 at hotmail.com>
To: HP4GU-FAQ at yahoogroups.com <HP4GU-FAQ at yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Fri Aug 03 03:26:27 2001
Subject: [HP4GU-FAQ] Filk FAQ?

Real-To: "Amy Z" 
Amanda wrote on OT-chatter:

> I've been meaning to ask if anyone's been pulling all the filks and
> collecting them someplace. Caius is a master, but there's other gems 
> there, and I think it'd be fun to have them all in one spot. 

I responded:

>Steve has some on the Lexicon. 

>I see another FAQ subject--an index of filks by subject.  I'll 
>suggest it to FAQmom Penny (sighing . . . she who suggests, gets to 
>carry out).

Whaddaya think, sirs?  

CMC, you just said you've revised most of them, so I would make a note 
of that and link to your site in addition to, or instead of, the 
original messages.

Filks are one of my favorite things on the list, so I would personally 
love to be able to look up a filk by subject, or (getting ambitious 
here) by tune . . . you're right, M the G, they're even funnier when 
you know the original song.  But you don't know "The Way We Were"?  
You need to fill out your Robert Redford portfolio ASAP!

who downloaded "Kokomo" from Napster just so she could listen and sing 
"Azkaban" along with.

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