[HP4GU-FAQ] FAQ web page sample

Steve Vander Ark vderark at bccs.org
Mon Jan 22 05:03:41 UTC 2001

Okay, I've put the current version of the page up. The link is below.
Please, tell me what you think. I can redesign it, use different fonts,
whatever. As I noted, I just came up with navigation categories off the top
of my head, so if you can think of better ones, by all means speak up.

I can create a page like this for every FAQ. We can link between them
however we want to. We can include a separate links page for various HPfGU
links and related things. I will create a home page as well--maybe a nice
pithy (read short) welcome and explanation from one of you eloquent types
would be good there.

  If you want to see the current design, sans text file or navigation links,
point your browser to http://www.i2k.com/~svderark/lexicon/test1.html.

  I arbitrarily chose navigation categories and would love to get some input
on those.
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