[HP4GU-FAQ] Voldemort FAQ

Simon simon at hp.inbox.as
Sun Jul 1 23:04:41 UTC 2001

Yep - the order looks good. I hope to start updating some of my faqs soon, but
time is limited at the moment.

-----Original Message-----
From: Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer [mailto:pennylin at swbell.net]
Sent: 01 July 2001 23:08
To: HP4GU-FAQ at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [HP4GU-FAQ] Voldemort FAQ

Hi everyone (mainly Simon I suppose) --

I just uploaded a reformatted & edited Voldy FAQ.  Simon, I mainly moved
things around.  I know you said you hadn't had as much time to work on
this one as the others so I did more editing than with the others.  Your
words are still there -- they're just in a different order.  Let me know
if you disagree with the way I rearranged it.  The only thing
substantive that I added in was under the section about the nature of
Voldy as a villain, I made it clear that some members have questioned
whether he is one-dimensional or potentially complex.  And, if someone
has handy, I'd like to add in the link to the "When I am an Evil
Overlord ..." in that section (it says "Insert Link" right now).

Steve V or Paul -- there are also 2 places where Simon has "Insert Link"
to another FAQ.  I assume you can handle that.

Okay, off to see if I can accomplish more on this stuff before Elizabeth
wakes up again.


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