[HP4GU-FAQ] New blood

Aberforth's Goat Aberforths_Goat at Yahoo.com
Thu Jul 26 13:29:21 UTC 2001

> I'm a complete newbie to FAQdom, but I'm going to venture a 
> suggestion, since Penny said there were a lot of gaps (hence, I 
> assume, the plea to me and others to take on one or more topics).  If 
> we're still looking, I nominate Haggridd, Jenny, and Amber as likely 
> victims, ::ahem:: I mean eager and clear-thinking writers who would no 
> doubt consider it a great privilege to write a FAQ.

Cool! Err, that does mean you'll do one too, right? 

Aberforth's Goat (a.k.a. Mike Gray)
"Of course, I'm not entirely sure he can read, so that may not have been

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