FAQs going Live on July 31st
Steve Vander Ark
vderark at bccs.org
Sun Jul 29 21:30:38 UTC 2001
--- In HP4GU-FAQ at y..., Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer <pennylin at s...>
> Hi --
> Great idea for a kick-off date, Heidi
I'll make it easy for everyone. Any FAQs that get uploaded before the
31st, I'll do any conversion necessary. Just get the documents in
here. The plainer the text, the better (please avoice styles such as
italics or underlining). If you can put a list of your section
headings at the top of the page like an index, that will be helpful,
but don't worry about the fonts etc. Just get 'em in.
We'll go live on July 31.
More information about the HP4GU-FAQ