[HP4GU-FAQ] web site notes
Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer
pennylin at swbell.net
Tue Jul 31 03:04:02 UTC 2001
Neil gets credit for Ron Weasley (and Magical Devices).
I've not had time today to make much headway with the Harry FAQ. Sorry
to go live without that one, but it can be ready later this week I
expect. I might (might!) get it done sometime tomorrow ... maybe Steve
could watch this group's emails tomorrow to upload it tomorrow if I get
it finished. No promises though as we are wrapping up lots of loose
ends toward getting moved back into our house this coming weekend (and
... of course, I have to tend to Elizabeth all day as well). :--)
Steve Vander Ark wrote:
> Okay, I added a hit counter and went through the pages, just making
> sure the links all work. I am checking to see what other pages need
> to be uploaded yet tonight. I'm missing the editor's name on the Ron
> Weasley FAQ. Anyone know who gets credit for that?
> Steve
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