FAQ notes

Steve Vander Ark vderark at bccs.org
Sun Jun 10 19:45:46 UTC 2001

--- In HP4GU-FAQ at y..., "Aberforth's Goat" <Aberforths_Goat at Y...> 
> Steve reassured,
> > As I was saying, if you want to format the text according to our
> > style sheet, you would certainly not be hurting my feelings any!
> Pray forgive the breadth of my cranium, but where do I find such I 
> sheet? I'd be happy to use it. As far as editing is concerned, I 
presume I
> can just open the page with FrontPage, make my changes then send 
the new
> version to you? (I'd obviously have to be careful not to let 
FrontPage add
> any "improvements"!)

FrontPage ALWAYS makes "improvements" to a page, no matter what. 
Don't use it. It's much easier just to go with a straight Word doc 
than a page that's been through FrontPage. If it hits FrontPage, I 
have to redo it from scratch.

Can you tell that I don't like FrontPage?

I'll compile a list of fonts/sizes/etc. for folks to use if they are 
so inclined. I'll upload it when it's done.


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