[HP4GU-FAQ] Re: faq
Paul M. Kippes
kippesp at swbell.net
Sun Jun 10 17:03:49 UTC 2001
At 01:36 PM 6/10/2001 +0000, Steve wrote:
>--- In HP4GU-FAQ at y..., "Simon" <simon at h...> wrote:
> > Are we going to be using the logo?
I think it was one of my initial versions that had the hat logo--only Steve
had seen it. I deemed it too tall to be any place other than the top-level
page. Sounds like Steve will be taking care of these types of edits since
they are hosted on his site.
> > I am a bit confused by the footnotes problem. I, for the time being
>at least,
> > will leave mine as they are and hope for the best.
>If you let Word do the footnoting, neither the footnote numbers in
>the body of the text nor the footnotes themselves are "part" of the
>text, they're added by Word on the fly. In other words, when I go
>into Word and select "Save as..." to save the document as HTML, the
>footnotes all disappear completely. The same thing happens if
>I "select all" to grab the text and then cut and paste it into the
>HTML document.
>So if you add references using Word's footnote function, your
>footnotes will not be included. If you type them yourself integrally
>in the text, as endnotes for example, they will cheerfully come right
>along during the conversion.
True. This is the case if Word is used. Please take a look at this test
version of Hermione's FAQ I converted long ago:
Message #625 references a conversion tool that I felt at the time did a
better job a converting Word files to HTML. I remember that it certainly
had less "junk."
Steve, if you would check the above [undressed] document for "ease of
convertibility," I can do similar documents with footnotes with this
tool. Again, this wouldn't be necessarily the way it will always be
done. Just this time 'round.
This can be a fairly automated procedure, so as far as complications, they
are minimal.
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