[HP4GU-FAQ] Re: faq

Tandy, Heidi heidit at netbox.com
Mon Jun 11 14:13:27 UTC 2001

Just a quick note on conversion things - here at my office, we have a
prpgram that's a part of MS Word called Metadata Assistant - When you
create, open or save a Microsoft Word document, the document may contain
information that may contain data that you may not want others outside of
your organization to discover. Microsoft refers to this information as
metadata, which is used to enhance editing, viewing, filing and retrieving
Microsoft Office documents.

This information may include: your name, initials, company name, name of
your computer, the name of the network server where the document is saved,
file properties and summary information, non-visible portions of embedded
OLE objects, names of previous authors of the document, document revisions,
versions, attached template information, hidden text, and comments. These
items are detailed in a Microsoft Knowledge Base article: Q223790 - How to
Minimize Metadata in Microsoft Word Documents.

Some additional elements that are addresses in our utility are the removal
or analysis of fast saves, graphics which it converts to pictures,
hyperlinks which could contain confidential information, the removal of a
routing slip, built in document properties, custom document properties,
document variables, VBA code (enterprise edition). 

If you want me to run ALL the faqs through this before they are uploaded,
then we might have *cleaner* documents to work from in the first place.
Please let me know!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul M. Kippes [mailto:kippesp at swbell.net]
> Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2001 1:04 PM
> To: HP4GU-FAQ at yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Re: [HP4GU-FAQ] Re: faq
> At 01:36 PM 6/10/2001 +0000, Steve wrote:
> >--- In HP4GU-FAQ at y..., "Simon" <simon at h...> wrote:
> > > Are we going to be using the logo?
> I think it was one of my initial versions that had the hat 
> logo--only Steve 
> had seen it.  I deemed it too tall to be any place other than 
> the top-level 
> page.  Sounds like Steve will be taking care of these types 
> of edits since 
> they are hosted on his site.
> > > I am a bit confused by the footnotes problem. I, for the 
> time being
> >at least,
> > > will leave mine as they are and hope for the best.
> >
> >If you let Word do the footnoting, neither the footnote numbers in
> >the body of the text nor the footnotes themselves are "part" of the
> >text, they're added by Word on the fly. In other words, when I go
> >into Word and select "Save as..." to save the document as HTML, the
> >footnotes all disappear completely. The same thing happens if
> >I "select all" to grab the text and then cut and paste it into the
> >HTML document.
> >
> >So if you add references using Word's footnote function, your
> >footnotes will not be included. If you type them yourself integrally
> >in the text, as endnotes for example, they will cheerfully come right
> >along during the conversion.
> True.  This is the case if Word is used.  Please take a look 
> at this test 
> version of Hermione's FAQ I converted long ago:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HP4GU-FAQ/files/HTML-fied/undres

Message #625 references a conversion tool that I felt at the time did a 
better job a converting Word files to HTML.  I remember that it certainly 
had less "junk."

Steve, if you would check the above [undressed] document for "ease of 
convertibility," I can do similar documents with footnotes with this 
tool.  Again, this wouldn't be necessarily the way it will always be 
done.  Just this time 'round.

This can be a fairly automated procedure, so as far as complications, they 
are minimal.


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