FAQ Updates??

Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer pennylin at swbell.net
Sat Jun 23 21:46:52 UTC 2001

Hi everyone --

I have downloaded into Word all the drafts that Simon has up, as well as
the 3 FAQs that Neil uploaded.  I did not download Goat's Neville FAQ
since I think Steve has already worked with that one -- is that right,
I didn't do anything with the 3 or so FAQs that Heidi had put up back in
October as I assume these might need to be updated.  True?

Wondering if we could get ETAs on some of the outstanding FAQs.  Some of
our FAQ'ers have disappeared and others are about to disappear
temporarily (Ebony!).  Any chance we might hear how progress is coming
on some of the uncompleted ones?  :::not so subtle cough:::  

I will make Steve's formatting changes & reupload them sometime tomorrow
or next day.  Oh, I'm also making those same formatting changes to my
FAQs that Steve hasn't already mentioned fixing.  Does that sound like
I'm on the right track and doing what needs to be done?


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