[HP4GU-FAQ] FAQ Updates??

Neil Ward neilward at dircon.co.uk
Sun Jun 24 06:20:15 UTC 2001

Penny said:

<<I have downloaded into Word all the drafts that Simon has up, as well as
the 3 FAQs that Neil uploaded.>>

Oooh.  Have I uploaded three?  I thought I'd only put up Ron and Magical

<<Wondering if we could get ETAs on some of the outstanding FAQs.  Some of
our FAQ'ers have disappeared and others are about to disappear temporarily
(Ebony!).  Any chance we might hear how progress is coming on some of the
uncompleted ones?  :::not so subtle cough::: >>

Firstly, I haven't finished my FAQ duties yet, because I put them to one
side in favour of doing other things (and I am going through yet another
busy period at work at the moment).   I intended to come back to them sooner
than now, but developments on the website are giving me a kick in the nether
regions, so to speak.

_Quidditch and McGonagall are still in the nearly finished state I left them
in several months ago.  A couple of weeks ago I began collecting relevant
messages since 15th Jan into my topic folders, so I should be able to update
those two FAQs and get them posted up.  QTTA will have had some impact on
the Quidditch FAQ, and I can now link to Simon's recent essay.  I'm going to
set myself a deadline of next weekend for those two.

_Updates to Ron and Mag Devices.  The Ron FAQ may need some changes in light
of recent discussions.  Recent discussions on the Portkey and Map seemed to
repeat what we'd said before...

_Snape and Spells&Charms are still just notes at the moment.  I did the
Snape character summary for discussion on the list, which will help focus
that one.  However, the number of messages on Snape is huge.  I'm sure there
are many repeated ideas in there, and that it won't be so bad once I get
stuck in.   ETA: I aim to get these done before 10th August, as I will be
vanishing to the US for two weeks after that.

There are a few others in various states of repair..

_Wizarding World: General - I have collected quite a diverse list of
messages on things like the nature of magic, genetics etc. into folders on
Outlook Express.

_CoS - I have gathered some messages that obviously relate to CoS into a
folder, but haven't done anything with them.

_Accents - I had a short FAQ on accents - could be updated I think - but the
points were going to be included under the relevant character FAQs.  Who is
doing Hagrid, BTW?

_Movie/Casting -  messages collected.  I gave up trying to note down all the
casting suggestions... I need to think about this one; what to include etc.
There's a lot of stuff along the lines of "I am worried that the film won't
do the book justice" or "I can't wait to see it" and quite a bit that is
really news about the film (and those details are available elsewhere).  I
don't know that it's sensible to try to piece together speculation on the
trailer that will become pointless as soon as the film comes out.

I would do something on the FAQs today, but I have some work to get done
before tomorrow morning, so no opportunity.


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