[HP4GU-FAQ] faqs

Paul M. Kippes kippesp at swbell.net
Fri Mar 30 00:11:16 UTC 2001

At 11:48 PM 3/29/2001 +0100, Simon wrote:

>I also don't feel I have the time to dedicate to this. It would be
>interesting to see the response to the website query if put to the group,
>but I guess the main decision here would have to be made by Steve/John
>depending on which was hosting the site and what they felt about people
>writing websites to be put on their computer server space.
I can certainly assist in the conversion part.  (I did some tests earlier 
and felt that there were no problems, so halted.  Also, the FAQs being in 
flux suggested wasted effort.)

Nevertheless, I agree with Simon that the hosting location needs to be 
finalized.  The HTML can not _truly_ be completed until this is known 
(Mainly because of the cross linking involved.)  I guess I thought this 
stuff was going on Steve's site even though I don't recall a definitive 
message.  I can go on at length on why a non-Yahoo, non-Excite, etc. site 
should be selected.  Therefore, it may be best that if Steve's site is 
unable (too full) to accommodate the FAQ material, a general request to the 
group at large should be done asking for a host or host 
recommendations.  (Someone may also be able to suggest a free host that is 
reasonable, reliable, and flexible--I don't know of any.)  (Heidi's post 
mentioned a St. Andrews site.  I must have missed this discussion.  Don't 
know what this is referring to.)

With a site selected a single person should be used to define a site 
structure (A "behind the scenes" TOC with file names, directories, 
etc.).  This is required to complete the cross reference links. Once this 
definition is complete, the final HTML pages can be completed.

I am here.  I can assist.  But I will not duplicate efforts.  I would also 
enjoy giving tons of time to this in about 6 weeks.


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