Status field

P Kippes kippesp at
Sat Mar 31 01:39:51 UTC 2001


I've taken Penny's original "Master List of FAQs" and added 4 columns 
beyond the Title & Author fields: "status", "HTML Filename", "InWork 
Filename", and "C."  "C" is short for "converted."  I also combined 
the Potter topic to "Potter, James & Lily" since it was written as 
one FAQ topic.

What does status mean?

?          - Unknown
unfinished - The FAQ author is still writing the "in work" file.
reviewing  - The "in work" file is currently being reviewed/revised
             or is in some other way unstable.            
ready      - Ready to convert to final HTML format
converting - Someone is currently converting the file to HTML
done       - Conversion to HTML has been compleated

I'm sure some of you are frustrated at the effort in the completion 
of this project and this kind of crud is unnecessary.  But I feel it 
(simplistic as it is) helps to prevent frustration or mistakes such 
as editing the wrong file and such.  I imagine Penny & Heidi also use 
some sort of document control mechanism with their legal documents 
and can see what I'm trying to acheive.


Feel free to change.  But, please, no spaces or uppercase letters.  I 
didn't see a need to complicate the issue with subdirectories.  
However, the entire FAQ should be placed in something like a 
directory.  The links could then be actually finalized.  Such as:
I'm going to go with this, and make the change to the db.  (With this 
defined, the links can be finalized independent of the server's name.)

Help from Penny:

I didn't know where to place "Universal Appeal of Harry 


I think I've said enough.

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