[HP4GU-FAQ] Re: Searchable JKR Interviews; FAQs status

Paul M. Kippes kippesp at swbell.net
Thu Oct 4 16:02:39 UTC 2001

On Thu, 4 Oct 2001, Steve Vander Ark wrote:

> In the future, it would be very helpful if Paul did that conversion thing he
> does on the Word docs that people upload. It takes me a while to go through
> and redo the link to outside sources.

Yes.  I can do this in the future.  When I see updates I'll post to the FAQ
board that I'm on it.

[Interview Search]

I like Google a great deal.  But there are places it doesn't touch.  Wouldn't
it be allowed to upload the file to the FAQ group since 1) the group isn't
publically available, 2) we are just shifting where the data is so that the
data doesn't vanish and it is in one spot, and 3) we intend to use this data
for research purposes?

Attempting to setup search capabilities to hit multiple websites is possible
but I just wonder on what the intended use is.  Is it for all?  Is it for FAQ
writers?  If it is for all, perhaps the best solution is, in fact, Google and
the limitations inherent in using it arn't *that* bad.


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