[HP4GU-FAQ] FAQs: Further Updates; Maintenance
simon at hp.inbox.as
Mon Sep 3 20:29:47 UTC 2001
I have been working on my FAQs for the last few days and was left wondering
(4300 messages read - 6000 to get up to date (of which about 1000 recent
ones I have hardly even skim read)). With this expected influx of elves in
the near future are we also going to ask if any of them would also like the
job of maintaining a FAQ (or more if they have major spare time)? 20-30
people doing one each would be much easier than 8 of us trying to do lots
I have thought through my FAQs and have the following to say about
maintaining them.
Wands - for the couple of posts a century this gets I am happy to keep it.
Animals - it gets a small number of posts (most about Crookshanks) - I
would prefer to keep.
Dursley - it gets a small number of posts (most about Crookshanks) - I
would prefer to get rid of it.
Voldemort - would really like to pass this one on after my next update.
Harry - Want someone to take over this or the Weasley Family FAQ. I have
time to maintain one, but not both and will give up both if sufficient
people are available to help.
Weasley Family (excluding Ron) - Want someone to take over this or the
Harry FAQ. I have time to maintain one, but not both and will give up both
if sufficient people are available to help.
Predictions - Joke of the day - I have not been maintaining this at all. I
recommend killing it as almost all predictions stuff seems to end up in
what will happen to person X, thing Y, etc., in the future.
-----Original Message-----
From: Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer [mailto:pennylin at swbell.net]
Sent: 01 August 2001 15:11
Subject: [HP4GU-FAQ] FAQs: Further Updates; Maintenance
Hi everyone --
Some further things that need to be added/changed on the website Steve.
1. Add in Peter Pettigrew (and Draco Malfoy (Malfoy Family) under
2. Remove Similarities between Potters & Voldemort
3. Under World of HP, add "British Education System"; delete Houses of
Hogwarts as that is included under the Hogwarts FAQ
Then, just upload most recent version of Fanfiction & Weasley Family and
we'll be caught up at present.
I had some thoughts about FAQs maintenance this morning. I know I do
not have the time to maintain all 9 of the FAQs that I wrote, and I'm
sure other FAQ'ers feel the same. My thought would be to hand-choose
some people to approach about maintaining specific FAQs before opening
it up to the group as a whole for volunteers. Here are my thoughts
about my own FAQs --
1. JKR -- This one probably won't require much maintenance since it's
mainly biographical info on Jo, but I'd just as soon not worry with it
myself. I have no real thoughts on who might be willing to
maintain/update this one now & again. Thoughts?
2. Hogwarts -- This will require fairly extensive updating and seems
likely to be one that will need to be monitored for facts given in JKR
chats & such. I nominate Steve V to maintain this one if he's willing
(given that similar maintenance will be done on his Lexicon site on this
topic). <g>
3. Mysteries & Inconsistencies -- This is a big project! I am
constantly shifting messages into my FAQs-Mysteries folder as people
discover more & more flints, mysteries, etc. I nominate Joywitch, Amy Z
or David as potential candidates to keep up with this one. Are you
game, Amy or shall I approach Joywitch?
4. Potential Romance Pairings -- I'll keep this one. I'm sure you're
all relieved (and shocked). <g>
5. Government -- Not much required so I don't mind keeping this one
6. Hermione -- I'm definitely keeping this one!! Near & dear to my
heart ...
7. Universal Appeal of HP -- I'll keep this one too as I am possibly
the only person who really cares much about it.
8. Religion & HP -- Do I recall that Mike expressed an interest in
possibly maintaining/updating this one?
9. Fanfiction -- I am not as involved in the fanfic world at present as
others are so I nominate Ebony, Heidi and/or Carole as candidates to
keep up with this one. Thoughts ladies? Any takers?
Neil, if I were you, I'd start buttering up Amanda for taking on
maintenance of that Snape FAQ. <g>
Okay, that's it for now.
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