[HP4GU-FAQ] possible solutions to the FAQ problem

heidit at netbox.com heidit at netbox.com
Sat Aug 10 16:16:00 UTC 2002

We have space on the server. We have access to yael's ms word stripping problem. And knowing the faqs as I do, there's no reason why hand coding won't work. My fanfic faq was all hand coded. I'll work with anyone who wants to get the faqs up at hpfgu.org.uk if the mos want. 
--- Original Message ---
From: joyw at gwu.edu,
Subject: Re: [HP4GU-FAQ] possible solutions to the FAQ problem
Real-To:  - Joy - <joyw at gwu.edu>

Steve wrote:
<<If we want to leave them on the Lexicon server, we need to attack the
problem of all the time it takes for me to convert the wide variety of
formats and layouts
and styles of the original files. The way to do that is to enlist someone to
do that formatting for me so all I have to do is the final upload. It's not
that hard to do--it's pretty simple, actually. If someone wants to take the
time to learn to use an editor like Composer (sorry, no FrontPage or Word,
they mess up the code terribly) they could easily make the final pages and
then just email them to me.>>

I'd be happy to help with the reformatting.  The problem is that I don't use
Composer... I handcode in Notepad.  Would that still help, or do you need
someone that uses a WYSIWYG editor?


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