[HP4GU-FAQ] Next Step: the Server Decision

Paul Kippes kippesp at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 20 20:10:12 UTC 2002

Good to hear a decision was made.

Is there a mod group I don't know about????  I looked in on HPfGU-Mod
just yesterday going back about a month.  What were the subject

I'll get things configured to make this swift.


--- Aberforth's Goat <mike at aberforthsgoat.net> wrote:
> Hi guys -
> And sorry for the long wait on this - I'm juggling a bit much at
> the
> moment!
> Having talked things through in the mod group, we've decided to
> pack
> the U-Haul and move the FAQs to the FA server, were we'll be able
> to
> greet the world at http://www.hpfgu.org.uk/faq. In fact, Heidi has
> an
> example up at http://www.hpfgu.org.uk/faq/fanfic.html.
> Before we go: thanks again to Steve for everything he's put into
> the
> project. Also, we'll need to talk through formatting. I would
> assume
> that we should stay with the formatting Steve has already
> developed,
> since it looks great and is already done.
> Open questions: Do we need some new HTML people? Joy has offered to
> help on this, but I should expect that she'll need a few people to
> help her out. What say, Joy? We could troll the MEG group first,
> then
> ask in the main group if we still need some more help.
> Also: what shall we put completed FAQs that still need to be
> HTML-ized
> (or have their HTML vetted before uploading)? My suggestion would
> be
> to create a folder in the files section called
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HP4GU-FAQ/files/upload/ (don't click
> yet - I haven't actually created it!) and place all such files
> there.
> Then the HTML people can pull them down for editing and delete the
> copy in the "loading" folder to avoid confusion. Does that sound
> good?
> Baaaaaa!
> Aberforth's Goat (a.k.a. Mike Gray)
> _______________________
> "Of course, I'm not entirely sure he can read, so that may
> not have been bravery...."
> And there's proof that he can't write either - check out the
> Viagramus Curse at
> http://www.riddikulus.org/authors/agoat/VC01.html
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