sjbranford at tiscali.co.uk
Fri Jan 18 22:03:58 UTC 2002
Moved this message in this direction.
Penny wrote:
>Is anyone close to completion on any new FAQs? It'd be lovely if we could
>announce the new name & ooh, look, we have the following new FAQs
>for your viewing pleasure at [insert link]
In my case the answer is not a hope of getting any more done for the
foreseeable future (2 months at least - I have one free weekend between now
and Easter). I am very heavily involved with several projects at the moment
and I have practically no free time. Also I cannot in any way guarantee
that come April I will be any less busy and, in fact, I would not be
surprised to find out that I am even busier then.
I am totally lost on my FAQs. I have not looked at them for ages. I have
read few group messages in the last 2 months, occasionally skimming through
to see what is being discussed. At the moment the most updated FAQs I have
written are only updated to about message number 15,000 - this is about
half the total number of messages written.
I am guessing that it has come to the stage where, to be fair to the
project, this group and HPfGU as a whole, I must step down. If someone else
is going to take over what I had been working on then they really should be
got involved sooner rather than later (and probably I should have done said
this a few months ago). It already is an incredibly long distance between
my last update and the current messages on the group; this gap will only go
up for the next few months, while I am busy doing other things.
I am sorry about this, but I feel that I cannot dedicate the time to this
project that it deserves or needs.
PS: On the good side I learnt today that I probably have a weeks work
shadowing/experience soon :)
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