[HP4GU-FAQ] I'm here.

Barbara Purdom blpurdom at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 2 00:04:30 UTC 2002

--- Penny & Bryce <pennylin at swbell.net> wrote:
> Hi --
> Welcome to Amanda & to Barb!  :--)  New converts. 
> :::rubs hands 
> together gleefully:::

Why do I suddenly feel like Susan Sarandon in "Rocky
Horror?"  (but wearing more than a bra and a slip <g>)

> Barbara Purdom wrote:
> > 
> > I have nothing against any of the characters, as
> far as FAQs go.  I noticed Ginny and Ron are both up
> for grabs.  I could possibly handle these, but is
> there a general Weasley FAQ file that should 
> include them, or are they big enough names to be 
> all on their own?
> Actually, Neil has already done the Ron FAQ, and
> it's quite excellent. He has thrown it up for grabs 
> in terms of updating it though.

Can do.

> Is Ron included in a "Trio" FAQ file?
> There's not a Trio FAQ but rather just a Harry FAQ,
> Ron FAQ & Hermione FAQ.  What would you envision 
> including in a Trio FAQ?

There's been a lot of conversation about the way the
Trio act(s) as a unit, the elements that each one
brings to the table (whether Ron or Hermione is
expendable, for instance, or whether everything would
be thrown off with one of them out of the picture). 
I've seen similar things on FictionAlley Park, where
there's a Trio thread.  Since this is about the way
they interact, call me crazy, but I thought of a Trio
FAQ file.  

>   Should FAQ files about individual characters 
> address those nagging shipping questions?  (Which 
> do seem to be Asked Frequently.)
> My Hermione FAQ has a small-ish paragraph which just
> raises various questions & references the Potential 
> Romance Pairings FAQ.

I can do links to another file, then, if they're
addressed there.  That will save work.


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