[HP4GU-FAQ] Re: Mysteries Update and General Questions

Rosemary foxmoth at qnet.com
Sat Mar 2 19:47:15 UTC 2002

on 3/2/02 11:37 AM, cindysphynx at cynthiacoe at comcast.net wrote:

> Penny wrote:
>> I suggest you & Dicey Elf collaborate on that one then.  You'll
> find 
>> that the other half of the Sirius posts are from me, Carole &
> Monika.  <g>
> Tell ya what.  How about if I take the Mysteries FAQ instead?  That
> will give Dicey Elf a clear field.  If I can move quickly on
> Mysteries, then I can help Dicey on Sirius?
> Hmmm. I figured Mysteries would be a really big job, since many
> people love to discuss Mysteries.  Maybe it won't be so bad.  But
> there are probably a *lot* of Mysteries, so maybe there ought to be
> a three-person team dividing that one up.  Thoughts?
I thought Mysteries was already done and just needed update/maintenance. But
if you need help, I'll be glad to pitch in on it.

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