Message Archives, Server Space

heiditandy heidit at
Sat Mar 2 22:21:40 UTC 2002

--- In HP4GU-FAQ at y..., "sjbranford" <simon.hp at v...> wrote:
> The Goat typed:
> > Heidi wrote,
> > > Obviously, donations would be appreciated- more on that
> > > later, as penny and I have talked about it- as bandwith is a
> > > concern, but it's not very pricey, and we have a zippy
> > > dedicated server!
> > 
> > Do you have a PayPal donation box?
> Yes we do -

In the interest of full disclosure:
1. This is the amazon box for FictionAlley. John paid for the 
registration, and I've been paying for the hosting fees - which, to 
date, have been very very small, as there hasn't been much traffic. 

2. I expect that the traffic will jump up when there are a number of 
faqs there, as well as various files from our groups' files sections.
3. It only costs us $3/ gig of bandwith, and we have a 20GB hard 
drive (
Location/Dedicated_Server/dedicated_server.asp) so we do have space 
for the files (although I would ask that any graphics be hosted 
elsewhere - many of you probably have a few MB of webspace from your 
email hosts, and the graphics should go on one - or more - of those). 
However, the bandwith costs will only go up, and we can keep  you 
guys posted as to how they're doing - and possibly even which pages 
are being most often viewed. And Paul will tell me if I'm wrong, but 
it may be possible to learn who has viewed the files, before people 
are de-modded, just as a catch-all.

4. We won't, however, be able to demarcate in any given month how 
much HP4GU will cost, as separated from FictionAlley's costs, just by 
the way the server is organized. So anyone donating to the Amazon 
account should know that they're donating to *both* FA and Hp4GU when 
they make a donation. 

Of course, any money is appreciated! And the co-hosting plan doesn't 
create any affirmative relationship between FA & HP4GU, other than us 
being your ISP.

heidi, on behalf of....well, I guess...everyone

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