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Aberforth's Goat Aberforths_Goat at Yahoo.com
Sat Mar 2 22:47:59 UTC 2002


> Er...Anyone know if there a Mac equivalent for this nifty
search shortcut? I
> suppose I should wait for John to get back, but I thought I'd

Actually, I've just noticed that I can't make it work the way (I
think!) it used to, either. It will tell me which files contain
any given word, but it won't jump to the passage in question.

But once you've unzipped all 31 files, you can just open them one
by one and run normal searches with your word processor. (I
assume you have whatever it takes to open zip files on a mac - I
think it's called Stuffit.)

Since each text file contains 1000 messages, you should have
plenty of material to chew on. Even less common words like
"gender" or "genre" crop up in almost every single message pack.


Aberforth's Goat (a.k.a. Mike Gray)

"Of course, I'm not entirely sure he can read, so that
may not have been bravery...."

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