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blpurdom at
Sun Mar 3 04:38:07 UTC 2002
--- In HP4GU-FAQ at y..., Penny & Bryce <pennylin at s...> wrote:
> > I'm watching. Don't currently have time to edit a FAQ, but can
> > help out with techie stuff like HTMLing and FTPing if necessary.
If there's a list of folks with the label "willing to code" slapped
on their foreheads, you can count me among them, regardless of
whether I'm writing the file in question. Also available to
> Ron Weasley -- Barb will take over updating/maintaining
> The Trio -- Barb suggested this so "go for it!"
My assignment, should I choose to accept it...<g> Okay, I know what
I have to do. (And luckily, this email won't self-destruct in
thirty seconds. Right? Right?)
> Animal Characters -- update/maintain
This seems pretty simple and straightforward. I suppose this should
also include the speculation about Crookshanks being an Animagus? I
could take this if no one wants it.
> HP Humor
Although I love the humor in the HP books, I'm not sure whether I
feel qualified for this one. I was terribly impressed, however, by
Gwen's erudite dissection of the types of humor in HP (on the main
list recently). That was definitely a "fantastic post." (Take a
bow, Gwen.) However, if Gwen wanted to do this, but needed
assistance with editing/coding, I'd be willing to work with.
> Harry Potter
I can do this also, since there will probably be a good deal of
overlap with the Trio file, and it sounds like Simon's done a lot
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