[HP4GU-FAQ] FPaWtFT acronyms, FAQ file updating

Amy Z aiz24 at hotmail.com
Sun Mar 3 10:16:24 UTC 2002

Tooly Elf asked:

>So, uh, what exactly is this file, again?  Literally a collection of 
>posts, or a sort of FAQ/essay file??

I defer to Penny, the originator, so Penny, correct me if I'm off base.  In 
my understanding, most of them are essays compiling what has been asked, 
answered, theorized, unfoundedly speculated, etc. about various topics.  
(Some exceptions are fanfiction, JKR, and a few others that are more like 
compilations of general info, not particularly referencing the list.)  Using 
our esteemed predecessors as a guide, I'm writing mine as a series of 
questions and topics with quotes/references/links to relevant posts.  The 
result is an essay whose cited text is the collected wisdom of HPfGU.  E.g.:


As many HPfGU members have pointed out, if one is already saddled with the 
name "Lupin," the least one can do is not name one's child "Remus" unless 
one means to tape a sign on his back, "Werewolf Bait."  "Lupine" means 
having to do with wolves (canis lupus), and Remus, along with his twin 
brother Romulus, was suckled by wolves, according to Roman mythology.  If, 
as with names such as Phyllida Spore and Arsenius Jigger, people in the 
Potterverse suffer from "nominative determinism," perhaps Lupin was destined 
for werewolfhood A6599.

Some fanfiction has run with the Romulus and Remus idea, inventing a twin 
for Remus.  HPfGU list members have also noted that this would be in keeping 
with JKR's liking for hinting  with names A6599.   The mythical Remus was 
also killed by Romulus in a dispute over the founding of Rome, so that if 
"nominative determinism" is at work, Lupin's parents were extraordinarily 
reckless in the naming of their children; as Catlady Rita said, "why not 
just name them Abel and Cain and get it over with?" A6608.

A6608=Archives message #6608, and appears in the FPAWTFT as a link.

>E.P.I.C.E.N.T.E.R. (Excellent Posts Incorporating Countless Expository
>Narratives To Excite Readers)
>Note American spelling... Australians have been lynched for less!

...Narrative Toward Reader Excitation?

Actually, not to deprive Tooly Elf of her reason for living, but I think 
this is one item that doesn't need an acronym.  <gasps of shock and outrage 
echo around the room>  Cindy came up with a great title and it has an 
obvious nickname:  "Fantastic Posts."

BTW, I am not limiting myself to fantastic posts.  Anything that illuminates 
an HP question is good enough.

> > If, on the other hand, anyone ever needs a
>loom threaded or a musical instrument strung and tuned, I'm your
>woman ;-)<


>Gadzooks!  Do we have yet another SCA member in our midst?

Lucky Parker has actually found a way to make a living being Creatively 


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