Mysteries Updates
pennylin at
Sat Mar 9 16:12:54 UTC 2002
Hi --
This is obviously mainly for the benefit of Cindy & Pippin.
Just uploaded a Word doc with the dates & names of posters for
messages I was compiling for updating the Mysteries FAQ. I concede
that it's odd that there was a flurry of activity from late July - Aug
& nothing from mid-April until the end of July. I think there just
*weren't* any messages that I thought useful for updating the M&I FAQ
until the end of July. But, I do note that I was flooded out of my
home in early June & living at my out-laws until the middle of August.
And, of course, Elizabeth was a newborn during that time period. Er
... not following the groups closely is a safe assumption. *However,*
I also have handwritten notes for other FAQ updates though that *do*
include messages from mid-April, May, June, etc.
So, I dunno. May be worth checking the April - mid-July messages too.
Hope this is somewhat helpful & reasonably decipherable. My system
has been to move messages of interest into subfolders but of course I
don't have Message #s under that methodology. When I got a new
computer, I just made notes of dates & poster names before wiping the
slate clean to sell my old computer to my in-laws.
(who got next to no sleep last night & running on adrenlin)
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