[HP4GU-FAQ] Updates .... Updates Anyone?
heidit at netbox.com
heidit at netbox.com
Tue May 21 11:13:57 UTC 2002
I am useless at number one, but prepared to help Paul with number 2. And I will get to finishing the faqs eventually - I just need to finish Surfeit first - it's been almost a year since my last chapter and it's driving me mad.
----Original Message----
From: "plinsenmayer" <pennylin at swbell.net>
Subject: [HP4GU-FAQ] Updates .... Updates Anyone?
Real-To: "plinsenmayer" <pennylin at swbell.net>
Hi all --
To avoid this being on Cindy's Task List for the Mods for the 5th
Monday running, I'm getting this out just under the wire. <g>
We would like to do several things with the FAQs:
(1) Get updates from everyone as to when they expect to have a draft
or completed product; and
(2) (a) Solicit some technical assistance for getting the FAQs that
are completed moved over to the hp4gu.org.uk site.
(b) Along these lines, I was wondering if anyone with the techie
know-how would care to write up a very basic set of guidelines for
updating & maintaining existing FAQs. If I don't know anything about
HTML, can't I be given some very basic step-by-step instructions for
pulling up the document in a program where it can be revised and for
adding in sentences, paragraphs, references, etc. for purposes of
updating existing FAQs? It would make sense to me that someone could
devise a basic set of instructions that could be followed by people
who want to help maintain FAQs but are not necessarily technically
proficient. Sigh. I've asked before though & noone ever seems to
respond so maybe it's "you know HTML or you don't." ????
I know we had a flurry of activity on this group a few months back --
new volunteers, enthusiasm, etc. But, we've been very quiet. Here's
my memory of where things stand -- please update us:
British Ed System -- John ???
Character Accents -- Neil ??
Character Names -- ???
Quidditch -- Neil (almost completed at last update)
Clothing -- ??
Economy -- ??
Mythology & Magical Creatures -- Heidi??
Social Issues - Mike
Spells & Charms -- Neil (almost completed I think)
Sirius Black -- Dicey
Albus Dumbledore -- Caius
Hagrid -- ??
Lupin -- Amy
Malfoys -- Heidi & Cassie
Snape -- Gwen, Amanda & others
Weasley Family -- ready to be uploaded since July 2001!
Ginny -- probably needs her own FAQ, there's a start in the Weasley
Family FAQ -- Percy might need his own FAQ too & I might take that on
Audio Versions, Cover Art, Fan Clubs, Merchandise -- probably all need
to be updated
I may have missed some other pending ones, but I think these are the
main ones that are mising as I recall.
So, please update us so we can plan a roll-out of the New Name
(Fantastic Posts & Where to Find Them), the New Location and Newly
Written (or Newly Updated) FAQs. :--)
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