Updates .... Updates Anyone?

gwendolyngrace gwendolyngrace at yahoo.com
Thu May 23 15:45:16 UTC 2002

Hi, Y'all!

The Snape FAQ is...well...where it was before I left the U of R. 
Porphyria emailed me a while ago just to touch base, and I haven't 
heard from her since, but I'll check back with her again. I've been 
carrying the disks around with me but unable to spend a lot of time 
working on it....

For those who've been wondering, the job search continues without 
much movement. I have an orientation session for unemployment next 
week and I hope that following that, I'll start collecting checks 
from our government (whoo. I'm whelmed). I'm fresh out of interviews 
at the moment, and trying to clean my house! Using dad's house for 
the computer has advantages and distinct disadvantages (not the least 
of which is Dad's constant "let me on for just a second" or even 
better, "would you look up X for me?" in the middle of whatever I'm 
trying to do).

But prior to the stall in the system, Snape was well on his way to 
becoming a real actual FAQ. I have NOT looked at the main list for 
some time, so I've no idea whether there's been any amazingly new 
theory concerning him, but I think for the sake of my own sanity, and 
ever getting this thing done, I will arbitrarily freeze new posts at 
whatever post was the last one I collected. Yup, that's what I'm 
going to do.

Today's agenda includes finishing up the House-Elf question and 
getting it polished up for the 27th. I'd work on Snape, but I'm not 
sure I have the disk with me--it's probably at home. However, I will 
note it on my to-do list so I don't forget for next time, and I'll 
definitely fire off an email to Porphyria today.



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