[HP4GU-FAQ] New look for Fantastic Posts

eloiseherisson at aol.com eloiseherisson at aol.com
Fri Nov 1 18:39:18 UTC 2002

In a message dated 01/11/2002 18:00:35 GMT Standard Time, 
porphyria at mindspring.com writes:

> Sorry, in case this wasn't obvious, the original is still available for 
> viewing in context on all the templates here:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HP4GU-FAQ/files/SampleTemplates/

Oops! I only looked at the basic fonts - too busy cataloguing, you see (!) 

,<> > One or two of the other more cursive, italic based ones I find a little, 
> > um,
> > oh, I don't know, a bit hacneyed in a way, too typically what you'd 
> > expect on
> > something "Celtic" or New Age, even a little bit twee (!) ;-)
> Twee? Twee! A dagger through my heart!!! 

I wasn't criticising you selection, darling, just comparing them unfavourably 
with your original one - as you very well know!

<>> Becker is growing on me too and I'd be happy to switch, but just to make 
> things fun I've added another sample which is a tad simpler than the 
> English Textura, but more similar to it than the Becker. It's called 
> Blackmoor:
I like that one!


Back to the grindstone

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