TBAY? Delurk

Ali Ali at zymurgy.org
Fri Nov 1 22:43:14 UTC 2002

"Hi!, Hello!" Ali called out timidly. Her voice echoed in the 
cavenous chamber. She tripped as she tiptoed on the concrete 
flagstones: the very flagstones trodden by so many "big hitters" Ali 
had felt in awe of for so long.

"Lumos" she croaked. Her wand tip highlighted delurk messages of 
other FAQ members. "Aagh!" thought Ali, as her tummy lurched. "What 
excuses could she think of for her first posts?" Excuses, reasons and 
explanations raced through her aching brain. She tripped again and 
bloodied her nose on a shard of glass engraved with the phrase "First 
Post Embarassment". Ali stood up, wiped the blood away and moved on 

"Hello!, hello, she called again, wondering as she spoke whether she 
was speaking Received Pronounciation English or the more pronounced 
London twang she so loved as a teenager, and still resorted to in 
times of merriment or stress. Her voice reverbrated against the 
towering walls. "Does anyone want to divide a block of posts up - say 
500 each?" called Ali, her voice fading away into the distance.

Ali ran back to the entrance, remembering suddenly that she had left 
her invisibility cloak on the otherside of the Whomping Willow.


Listening to a Fanfare of Fireworks in the distance.

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