[HP4GU-FAQ] New look for Fantastic Posts; Mainpage & DNS question

Paul Kippes kippesp at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 4 02:34:31 UTC 2002

Are these various looks to be used in the various areas of the FAQ
site?  Or is there going to be one look and so replicated to each
FAQ?  Just curious.

To John--
What is up with the DNS transfer on hpfgu.org.uk?  It has been awhile
since we (fictionalley.org) moved to a new server but this particular
DNS entry hasn't yet made the jump?

--- Porphyria <porphyria at mindspring.com> wrote:
> OK, I've been playing around some more and I came up with a version
> I'd 
> like to use for the new FAQ main page:
> It's inspired by the actual cover of FB, but adapted for better web
> viewing. Of course the actual FAQs listed will all be linked, and
> we can 
> tweak which ones we list or what we call them. I do like the idea
> of 
> giving every header the form "The XXX" because it makes for some
> thematic 
> consistency. Let me know what you think.
> I used Becker for the header since Becker is winning so far amongst
> those 
> who replied (Cindy and Pip favoring, Joy and Eloise at least
> liking). Also,
>   I'll be making a gold version of the "HPfGU Fantastic Posts"
> header for 
> the individual FAQ pages to match the embossed textbook look and
> tie in 
> with your Gryffindor color schemes; silver-grey and black will
> remain 
> available.
> ~Porphyria
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