Longest catalogue entry so far

eloise_herisson eloiseherisson at aol.com
Mon Nov 4 11:09:59 UTC 2002

Here is my submission for the post which takes the most number of 
lines to catalogue, whilst possibly saying little of any relevance 
(but much too good to lose).

Tabouli's Post 35630 weighs in at six lines.  Partly because of 
having to SHIP some of them and TBAY them all - Tabouli does a lot of 
dashing into her wardrobe and changing throughout this post, not to 
mention twinning the Bad Buoy CUPID at S QUAFFLE with the Good Ship 

In summary, Florence = future Mrs Longbottom, snogging Lestrange 
behind greenhouses.In revenge, Mrs Lestrange places Mrs' Longbottom's 
soul into body of male toad (Trevor). Alternatively, Trevor = Trevor 
Lestrange, who placed his own soul into the toad and is acting as 
spy. BABEMEISTER Barty is a villain with style and Petunia only 
became jealous of Lily and turned against the WW when James dumped 
her for her younger sister.

And I didn't catalogue what came before all that.

Come back Tabouli!

Who'd forgotten that BABEMEISTER tee shirt in the back of her 
cupboard and has pulled it out and placed it on the top of the 
perilously high pile of ironing that isn't getting done for some 
strange reason.

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