Topic Terms Update

eloise_herisson eloiseherisson at
Mon Nov 4 22:56:59 UTC 2002

AAaaargh.... You've gone and changed AK to whatever it is that I can 
never remember how to spell....and I haven't worked out how to do a 
quick search and replace in MS Works do realise that 
once I've updated it I have to wait *hours* and *hours* before the 
system will let me upload the thing again.....

And is it alright if I put in Foe Glass as a separate entry in the 
context of whether *in specific* it is evidence of Snape's being (or, 
as I hope we're all agreed round here) not being a vampire?
(Although I confess that I don't worry too much about Snape posts in 
that they've all been dealt with already.)

And who's this 'Volddemrort' fellow, anyway? (VW1).


Whose principles are telling her she ought to conform, but whose 
instincts are rebelling and who thinks she really needs a nice theory 
to explain her inner conflicts and motivations.

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