[HP4GU-FAQ] Re: Topic Terms Update

eloiseherisson at aol.com eloiseherisson at aol.com
Tue Nov 5 07:23:20 UTC 2002

In a message dated 04/11/2002 23:08:29 GMT Standard Time, 
cindysphinx at comcast.net writes:

> Yes, I see that someone did add "Avada Kedavra" to the topic terms 
> list.  Remember, we're trying not to add duplicate terms, and "AK" 
> was on the list first.  So I'll delete "Avada Kedavra" and we'll go 
> back to using AK, OK?

Thank you Master!

> > And is it alright if I put in Foe Glass as a separate entry in the 
> > context of whether *in specific* it is evidence of Snape's being 
> >(or, as I hope we're all agreed round here) not being a vampire?
> Well, Foe Glass is listed under "Dark Detectors."  Since Foe Glass 
> doesn't get discussed all that much, how about we just continue to 
> use "Dark Detectors" rather than add a new term.

Yeah. Like many of these things which seem terribly important at the time, 
when I thought about it later, it was unnecessary, once I'd forced myself to 
write Snape and Vampire in adjacent cells.

It's the effect of those ELGINMARBLES, you know.

But you'll have to have it uploaded with Foe Glass for the time being 
(foolishly I entered the term before checking the database), because if I 
change it, I may not be able to get it accepted by the system until tomorrow!

I'll do my best not to get killed in the meantime.


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