[HP4GU-FAQ] It is not wise to find symbols in everything that one sees...
Heidi Tandy
heidit at netbox.com
Sun Nov 10 00:48:04 UTC 2002
Growing, soon.
-----Original Message-----
From: "ssk7882" <skelkins at attbi.com>
Date: Sat, 09 Nov 2002 23:59:21
To:HP4GU-FAQ at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [HP4GU-FAQ] It is not wise to find symbols in everything that one sees...
Real-To: "ssk7882" <skelkins at attbi.com>
Okay. So I've just been tooling along, cataloguing posts , and here
are the major points that people were trying to make back (not all on
the same thread, of course!) in the early April of this year.
- Harry is a Christ figure.
- He will meet his end through decapitation at Ron's hands.
- Ron is jealous of his brothers and may become ESE.
- Ron will be tempted to act against Harry due to his thwarted desire
for Hermione -- and may become ESE.
- FITD: Ron has an unrequited thing for Hermione, who has an
unrequited thing for Harry, who doesn't want *anybody* that way,
because Romance Just Isn't In the Cards For Christ Figures.
In addition, I recently received an off-list in which someone was
complaining to me about Fanon!Hermione. Specifically, about how some
fanfic authors like to dress her up. "Why must they always dress
Hermione like such a harlot?" said correspondent complained.
"Hermione would never be caught *dead* dressed like that!"
I also noted with some amusement that Dan Radcliffe drool-fest over
on OTC last week.
Is this combination of ideas leading anyone else to the same Bad Bad
*BAD* Place that it keeps leading me?
Hermione, having danced the Dance of the Seven Obstacles for Evil!
Ron, now claims her prize. In spite of having himself murdered his
older brothers in order to usurp their positions, Evil!Ron averts his
face in horror.
Hermione (addressing the head of Harry Potter):
"Ah! thou wouldst not suffer me to kiss thy mouth, Harry Potter.
Well! I will kiss it now. I will bite it with my teeth as one bites a
ripe fruit. Yes, I will kiss thy mouth, Harry Potter. I said it; did
I not say it? I said it. Ah! I will kiss it now . . . .
"But wherefore dost thou not look at me, Harry Potter? Thine eyes
that were so terrible, so full of rage and scorn, are shut now.
Wherefore are they shut? Open thine eyes! Lift up thine eyelids,
Harry Potter! Wherefore dost thou not look at me? Art thou afraid
of me, Harry Potter, that thou wilt not look at me? . . .
"And thy tongue, that was like a red snake darting poison, it moves
no more, it speaks no words, Harry Potter, that scarlet viper that
spat its venom upon me. It is strange, is it not? How is it that
the red viper stirs no longer?. . .
Ah, Harry Potter, Harry Potter, thou wert the man that I loved alone
among men! All other men were hateful to me. But thou wert beautiful!
Thy body was a column of ivory set upon feet of silver. It was a
garden full of doves and lilies of silver. It was a tower of silver
decked with shields of ivory. There was nothing in the world so
white as thy body. There was nothing in the world so black as thy
hair. . . . .
Ah! ah! wherefore didst thou not look at me? If thou hadst looked at
me thou hadst loved me. Well I know that thou wouldst have loved me.
"And the mystery of Love is greater than the mystery of Death."
Help me! Help me! I. Can't. Get. RID of it!
<Elkins shakes her head rapidly back and forth, trying to clear it of
this dreadful set of associations. Failing to do so, she falls to
the ground, clutching the sides of her head with both hands, writhing
and screaming hysterically.>
-- Elkins
"Ah! I can breathe now. How red those petals are! They are like
stains of blood on the cloth. That does not matter. It is not wise to
find symbols in everything that one sees. It makes life too full of
terrors. It were better to say that stains of blood are as lovely as
rose-petals. It were better far to say that . . . . But we will not
speak of this."
-- Herod, in Oscar Wilde's "Salome"
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