[HP4GU-FAQ] A Poor Worker, Verily, Is Elkins

eloiseherisson at aol.com eloiseherisson at aol.com
Sun Nov 10 09:50:00 UTC 2002

>>>We simply have to face up to what is happening here. We need a new 
keyword. A keyword for really good and long and detailed posts that 
take many lines to catalogue. 

Mmmm, how about simply "Elkins?" ;-)<<<
> >>"We'd just like to congratulate Elkins on her splendid posting record
> on the main list last spring," the cataloguer said breathlessly.  
> "We're even considering making her a *keyword!*"<<<

"What we need here," piped up Eloise, peering out from behind the wall of 
books on Iron Age Europe on the table in the corner of the common room, "is 
an *acronym*!

"How about, 'E.L.K.I.N.S.', for posts which are: Extremely Long, Keenly 
Inspired and Noteworthily Subversive? 

"Oh, and if Mr Crouch asks, you haven't seen me," she said, disappearing from 
view once more.

Very tempted in the light of such threads as Hurt-Comfort and Perversion in 
the Graveyard to use Kinky for the 'K'. ;-)

And hoping Elkins is feeling better.

And feeling terribly guilty that she can't offer to link-check or anything at 
the moment as she's under Imperio from her Archaeology Prof until at least 

And even more guilty that she's taking time off to see CoS this afternoon 
(parental duty, you know.)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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