eloiseherisson at aol.com
eloiseherisson at aol.com
Wed Nov 13 06:47:16 UTC 2002
In a message dated 12/11/2002 19:47:03 GMT Standard Time, skelkins at attbi.com
> As for titles, though, I recommend that we adopt a new term whenever
> a project has benefitted tremendously by the efforts of a remarkably
> diligent person.
> We can say that said project has been P.O.R.P.H.Y.R.I.A.'D:
> "Productive, Organized, Reliable: Porphyria Has Yielded Results
> Impressively Ahead of Deadline"
Now that is the work of a craftsman.
I take my hat off to you.
Just shows you what's in a name: that's why Porphyria's Porphyria, whereas I
am merely,
Enlessly Late Or Inevitably Slow Eloise.
It also explains our beloved leader:
Captain Indomitable, Never Daunted: You Command.
(The use of a screen name that contains two 'Y's and an 'X' , for which
nothing springs to mind except unsuitable words like xylophone, xenophobe or
one of Porphyria's cats, also says something, I feel!)
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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