[HP4GU-FAQ] Re: Fwd: inconsistencies

Penny Linsenmayer pennylin at swbell.net
Sun Nov 17 14:19:22 UTC 2002

Hi --

Amy Z suggested:

<<<<Maybe we should have a form letter on file:  "Dear Concerned Reader, 
please note that the Fantastic Posts and Where to Find Them refer to 
the BOOKS by J.K. Rowling, which you might want to consider reading 
before you fire off e-mails with 23 exclamation points in them.">>>

This language is *perfect* and I think someone should write her back with exactly this response.  :::grumbles about movie contamination::::

<<<<If you haven't written to the complainer yet, can I, please, can I, huh, please?  I promise I won't be snotty.>>>>>>>>

Or me??  Ooh, wait -- I can't promise not to be snotty I'm afraid so maybe Amy is a better choice.  :--)


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