Edited highlights

eloiseherisson at aol.com eloiseherisson at aol.com
Wed Nov 20 07:02:58 UTC 2002

Highlights of an entertaining morning...

(names have been suppressed to protect the not-so-innocent)

A reference to "Smallbottom's bouncing incident".

A theory that casting AK somehow makes you stronger.

Snape is a hen-pecked husband. (Well, I wouldn't dare. Would you?)

Oodles of varied evidence to indicate that Lupin is, as any Brit knows, 
pronounced, well, Lupin. (Don't you guys grow lupins?)

A charming observation from Lexicon Steve, that in the books, "days 
and dates just don't seem to stay put very well."

And finally (obviously anticipating objections to the Reverse Memory Charm 
theory and making a pre-emptive strike)...

Mrs Lestrange isn't afraid of the Reverse Memory Charm being used on 
Neville because...wait for it... She's never heard of it!

Now who could argue with that?

On another note, Ali has asked me to let you know that she's presently 
unplottable  on account of her computer needing a new power supply.


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