[HP4GU-FAQ] forward planning, Snape FAQ

Porphyria porphyria at mindspring.com
Tue Oct 1 01:45:54 UTC 2002

Gwen wrote:

> Once the Snape FAQ is done, I'm stepping back from the
> team until the symposium is over.

Well, you probably deserve a giant retirement package for all the effort 
you've put into it so far. And I'm sure the Symposium people will greatly 
value your sanity. :-)

Speaking of the Snape FAQ, I want to assure everyone I'm actively editing 
sections even as we speak. I wanted to get something posted by now but, um,
  <Porphyria cranks up the Random Excuse Generator> yesterday was our first 
year wedding anniversary and our house has been infested with fleas. So as 
you can plainly tell, I've been very busy eating unfrozen wedding cake and 
scratching myself. (OK, just like a normal weekend for me...)

But I hope to have edited sections posted within a few days.

Also, regarding my anniversary, I got my husband to buy me BBEdit for my 
home computer as an anniversary present. I figured texteditor=paper, works 
for me! What this means to the rest of you is that I'll be an even bigger 
whiz with HTML editing once I get going.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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