Cataloging Terms Table

dicentra63 dicentra at
Tue Oct 1 21:33:58 UTC 2002

--- In HP4GU-FAQ at y..., dicentra at x wrote:
> Quoting Amy Z <lupinesque at y...>:
> > 
> > Can we change this table to have only one very long 
> > column?  Unless I'm missing something, there's no way 
> > to alphabetize the whole thing and thus see at a
> > glance what's there and what isn't.
> Yeah, I was wondering how that was going to work. I think one long
> will have to be the thing, even though it takes longer to fill in
terms that
> way. I was simply thinking about not wasting space (as if virtual space
> could be wasted).
> I'll see to it.
Done.  It's now one long column.


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