[HP4GU-FAQ] Re: Catching up & cataloguing

eloiseherisson at aol.com eloiseherisson at aol.com
Wed Oct 2 19:26:25 UTC 2002

Thanks for all the help, guys!
I'd got quite excited about the prospect of working in Excel, after reading 
Dicey's wonderful help file, but now I don't need to: thanks to Heidi, I can 
now view Excel files. :-)
I also got very excited, as I followed the instructions to find the archives 
and the first one I tried to open (m32000-32999) worked straight away. 
(Someone else who needs to get out more!)
BUT, when I tried to open the one on which I intend to work, I couldn't do 
it. I  then tried downloading it onto my hard disc, and my computer tells me 
that it's successfully transferred, but when I try to find it, it's not 
I similarly haven't been able to open any of the rest of the archive (I've 
only tried m32000 onwards). It *says* it's downloading, but that little blue 
progress meter thingy either doesn't appear, or apperas and disappears with 
nothing else happening. I can still open the first one.

Can anyone solve this? It looks so much easier to skim through the messages 
that way, without all the constant opening and closing and getting past 


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