Where is Message 28158?

dicentra63 dicentra at xmission.com
Thu Oct 3 00:23:40 UTC 2002

--- In HP4GU-FAQ at y..., "lucky_kari" <lucky_kari at y...> wrote:
> Thanks John and Heidi. I do seem to be indulging in my Neville
> Longbottom persona today. 
> Eileen, very red-faced (as has been the case ever since the first
> email came from Pippin asking her politely if she could read and if so
> why hadn't she noticed GARABAGE SCOW in Inish Alley? Since then, the
> day's been downhill.)
Dicey dons her tote bag (bottom cut out) and table-runner wrap and
sweeps into the room with a tray of eclairs in one hand and a cup of
hot cocoa in the other. She sets them down on the end table next to
Eileen, then plumps the pillow under Eileen's feet and rolls a little
wooden back massager up and down her back.  When Eileen begins to
relax and smile, Dicey leaves the room, but not before lighting a
lavender-scented candle.

--Dicey Elf, happy to serve all sirs who need it

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