Topics, Topics Everywhere

elfundeb elfundeb at
Thu Oct 3 22:40:24 UTC 2002

Packing all my Q&A's into one [not so] little post:

<<<> Can we call Lucius Malfoy "Lucius" instead of "Malfoy"?  

I think it would be best if we stuck with the naming rules.>>>

I will bow to the wishes of the majority here, though if I were interpreting Cindy's rule ("All adults go by last [name], except for where this would be confusing (Weasleys, Potters).") without the benefit of her next paragraph of examples, I would have used "Lucius" because "Malfoy" is generally used in canon to refer to Draco.

[voice in Debbie's ear whispers loudly, "Give up.  You lost this one.  There is no appeal in the WW."]

Well, there's always the Search and Replace spell.  Truth be told, I'd be interested in doing the Malfoy FAQ, if it's unclaimed, and I could probably sort it out somehow.

<<<I didn't recall that Memory 
Charm even had an incantation, and we surely don't want to force 
people to consult the Lexicon while cataloguing. [snip]
Oh, dear.  Can someone sort this out?  Should we just leave it to 
the person culling to decide which is the more common term for each 
spell and accept the fact that there will be a split of opinion on 
things like "Accio?">>>

This is exactly the solution, I think.  Ah, the magic of Search and Replace. 

<<<I would deal with it by asking myself what 
might an editor be interested in about this post, and then keyword 
those concepts.>>>

This is what I've been doing, but I did want to ask what the likelihood is that the catalogue would be used for other purposes, like "How many times did we discuss the Lethifold on the list?"  

 <<<JKR Biography would only be on topic, I would think, if it's connected
to canon. For example, if someone was discussing the unauthorized
biography and mentioned a parallel between Hermione and Rowling.
However.... we do have a JKR FAQ, don't we? So maybe it should be
marked as JKR Biography.>>>

I've been using the "adults get last names" convention, :} and coding posts that discuss JKR with the term "Rowling."  I figured anything concerning her would relate in some way to her biography.  But I can switch.  I want to see for myself how well the Search and Replace spell works.

<<<It is more commonly PTSD, though, isn't it? I referenced it as PTSS
b/c that's how it was referred to in the first Snape vs. Sirius
discussion I stumbled on, but if you like I'll change those to PTSDs
and change PTSS to PTSD on the term catalogue.>>>

FWIW, I looked this up recently in connection with the 9/11 anniversary and the clinical name for it appears to be PTSD.

<<<I would do whether HP is for kids under "Children."  I think someone 
wishing to update that FAQ would definitely search for children.>>>

I was going to suggest "Children's Literature" but I like "Audience" better, as more descriptive.

I must commiserate with Eloise, who said:

<<<As Ron might say, 'Why is all the software I own rubbish?'>>>

I have no work in progress uploaded, because my PC refuses to upload anything except Word documents.  I will have to do my uploads from the office, if I can ever remember to send the spreadsheet there.  Just in case, I've saved my work on a disk.

I'm woefully behind our speed cataloguers, so I want to ask before I do it, but . . . I'd like to stake my claim on my next 1000 posts, since I went on vacation in the middle of the Bully thread and never got around to read the 500 responses I missed.  Please?  Can I have it? I promise to relinquish it if I fall too far behind. 
determined to reach 100 posts tonight

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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