Harry Potter and The Vanishing Catalogue

bluesqueak pipdowns at etchells0.demon.co.uk
Fri Oct 4 06:28:49 UTC 2002

--- In HP4GU-FAQ at y..., eloiseherisson at a... wrote:
> OK. I really need some help here.
> I've transferred some of my entries onto a second spreadsheet, so 
> that I could downsize the one I was trying to upload (it's now  
> smaller than it waswhen I uploaded it the first time, only 16 KB). 
> I've also resaved it under a different name to see if that would 
> help but it still won't let me do it, still says the file is empty 
> or corrupted or that I may have typed the name incorrectly (except 
> that I did it automatically via Browse). Same for the smaller, 
second file I created.

> Eloise :-(

Have you resaved it under a different name *on your computer*? Browse 
on Yahoo won't let you change *anything* once you've found the path.

Are you trying to upload from floppy? Browse hates that too. You have 
to upload from the hard disk (C: drive).

Try e-mailing it to one of us, and we'll see if we can open it and 
save it? It might be some problem with your modem line, or AOL. If we 
can open it via e-mail, it's probably *not* genuinely corrupted. If 
we can't, it might well be. I'm at work from now until 18.00 GMT, but 
you could try e-mailing it to me this evening.

In complete desperation: E-bay has old copies of Excel on auction 
quite frequently, for £30.00. Or if there's a student (even primary 
school) in your household, you can get a student edition of Microsoft 
Office for about £100.00 (which may be completely useless, I 
certainly couldn't afford £100 at the moment).

You have my deepest sympathies; currently I'm trying to work on a 
computer with an intermittent fault in the power supply. Every so 
often it spikes, corrupts IE or shuts down completely, and then I 
have to let it rest for a while. The weekend is going to be spent 
trying to get my laptop online, I think...

[Either that or the new power supply will arrive and I get to spend 
the weekend installing it.] 


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