[HP4GU-FAQ] Keyword Questions and Parricide

elfundeb elfundeb at comcast.net
Sat Oct 5 12:35:10 UTC 2002

Catching up on yesterday's debates:

<<<From the "I don't know how to spell" file, is it "Apparation" or
"Apparition?" I thought it was the first but I see the second has been
put up, and I suspect I've mispelled.>>>

I actually looked it up in the dictionary before I put it into the list.  It's not a word I use regularly . . . .

"Morality" as a catch-all category doesn't appeal to me. People want
to know specifically about the trio's rule-breaking or JKR's attitude
to flat-out evil separately, methinks.

I used this term only for posts discussing whether the series overall is a "moral" work.  Though these posts usually talk about rulebreaking etc., the morality point is much broader.  Should I add a parenthetical to the terms list?

<<<Having just strayed across another one of Cindy's posts (this one is 
her theory that Hagrid's father was actually killed by his mother), 
can anyone think of a category for general family slaughter?

Huh?  *I* strayed across one of Cindy's posts in which she claimed that Hagrid murdered his mother during the Grindelwald wars.  I'm beginning to see a pattern . . . .

[First Posts]
> They can't be as bad as mine, Cindy.

> Ah, they must have winced. Why couldn't I be like Elkins who
> scandalized the entire list with her first post and became an 
> instant celebrity? 
> > 
> Eileen"

She did? Has anyone catalogued that post? If so, could you send me 
the message number?

Send it to me, too, please.  But right now, I'm going over to webview to delete all my early posts before someone gets around to cataloguing them,  just to spare myself the humiliation. <just kidding>

off to go camping with the Cub Scouts, praying for clear weather

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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