[HP4GU-FAQ] Need a Second Opinion

Amy Z lupinesque at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 5 21:53:40 UTC 2002

Cindy quoted:

> > 6. Why was Harry in the Transfiguration corridor?
> Is that the way 
> > to Gryffindor Tower?
> I have to admit that my mind shuts down sometimes
> when we're 
> traveling from one room to another in Hogwarts. I've
> long ago given 
> up trying to remember where everything is in
> relation to everything 
> else. Good thing I'm not a student there - I'd
> probably be able to 
> find Hagrid's hut, the greenhouses, the Forbidden
> Forest and the 
> lake. Other than that, I'd be the Neville Longbottom
> of classroom 
> location.
> ******************
> The post answers all 10 Chapter Summary questions in
> that fashion.  
> I'm torn -- if this post were a stand-alone post, I
> would consider 
> it too insubstantial to include in the catalogue. 
> But then again, 
> the post as a whole is substantial in a sense
> because it addresses 
> 10 different subjects in an articulate (if
> superficial) way.

I hate to say this, because that sounds like something
I would have written, but I don't think it adds
anything, really--either in terms of canon or opinion.
 If it said just a bit more about how Hogwarts doesn't
actually fit on a map, or something, or if the opinion
given were on something of burning interest ("How many
people hate Ginny?  Raise your hands"), I'd say it
contributed something.  As is it's really a zero, and
zero x 10 is still zero.  If I were cataloguing it I'd
see whether any of the points were more substantive
than this.


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