Is Anyone Allergic To Green? and a topic term query

bluesqueak pipdowns at
Tue Oct 15 21:40:15 UTC 2002

--- In HP4GU-FAQ at y..., "lucky_kari" <lucky_kari at y...> wrote:
> Green, Cindy, is a Slytherin colour. Are you pushing a hidden
> Slytherin agenda here? (I've been meaning to ask you for months. 
> What House do you consider yourself in?)

Personally, I think Hufflepuff, though my list persona is probably 

I mean, do you think a true GRYFFINDOR would do 
*cataloguing*? 'Harry Potter and the list cataloguers'? Doesn't 
quite zing, really. No Banginess...

Naah. Hufflepuffs, the lot of us. [grin].

 Though now the main list has come
> back to life again...

Yes, indeedy. Hard work, that was [she says modestly]. Just re-
introduce DISHWASHER, and before you know it, the entire list is 
*screaming* at one another.

Of course, I then have to stay up till 2am trying to write crushing 
rejoinders *and* do the cataloguing [grin].

Talking about screaming:

::waves at Marina and Kimberley::

Cindy writes: Or I can do a violent Red, White and Blue for 
> > the patriotic Americans and Brits. 

I'll pass. We have a flag where no-one can ever tell if it's upside 
down or not, I'd probably be trying to stand on my head to read the 
computer screen... 
> > 
> > Or I can change it back.  Let me know.

Mint green is nice. Soothing. Good to look at when you've promised 
yourself you'll stop at the next post and then discover that it's 
one of Catlady's :-(

[Somehow this happens to me two times out of three].

Moving back to matters of mere cataloguing importance, do we have a 
ruling on the Topic Term for Neville's Gran? Neville's mum is Mrs 
Longbottom, you see. Is she Neville's Gran, or Granny Longbottom? 
Has there been a decision I haven't downloaded?

(who has only reached halfway point on her block. Beaten by Cindy, 
huh! Oh, well, I suppose I'll just have to save that post where 
Cindy apologises to the mods for another time...)

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