[HP4GU-FAQ] Re: Is Anyone Allergic To Green? Houses? and Black Paint
eloiseherisson at aol.com
eloiseherisson at aol.com
Wed Oct 16 13:23:47 UTC 2002
> love the green, Slytherin or not. Like Cindy, I have way too many lists,
> but Slytherin colors just aren't popular.
Hey, what is all this Green= Slytherin stuff anyway?
Yeah, yeah, I know it's symbolism, but I mean, so what? Are we being Housist
Are we falling into that trap that JKR's so cleverly laid for us?
And what about poor Avery? Doesn't he have enough problems already?
As for my house, I've pondered Porphyria's rule of thumb:>
> If you're indifferent to the work, you're a dutiful Hufflepuff. If you
> get a
> weird sense of satisfaction out of it, you're a Ravenclaw.
> Yup. Thought so. I'm a Ravenclaw, through and through. My motto is "Make
> it useful, or die trying." But then, I once did this for a living.
I on the other hand, feel like Harry, 'not brave, or quick witted or any of
it at the moment. If only the hat had mentioned a house for those who felt a
bit confused, that would have been the one for her.'
OTOH, perhaps Cindy will jerk the hat off my head, say there's been a mistake
and that I'd better get back to the main list, where I belong!
> And a word regarding Dicey's admonition that our final catalogues should be
> sans black paint. If you're blacking out, I'd advise you to switch tactics
> right away and not wait till you're done. I just spent an amount of time
> equivalent to what it takes to catalogue 100 posts deleting all my blacked
> out lines (just my luck that I'd blacked out every other post).
<logs into FAQ list to check something>
Cindy - you've been listening to Porphyria!
A nice seasonal orange, I see! (actually, I don't find this very easy to work
As I was about to say, before the wind was taken out of my sails by the
colour change, re blacking out of lines, I am now thoroughly confused.
As I said before, I was blacking out only the topic and comments columns,
leaving the message numbers and row numbers intact.
I see Dicey has painted out the whole row, including row number and Cindy has
simply omitted posts which didn't make the cut.
Now....., if it is important to keep the sequence of row numbers with no
gaps, how do I get rid of my black-lined rows? (And why do we need to, just
out of interest? Won't the sort function work just the same even if we don't?
If the row numbers aren't blacked out, that is.)
Ah... I just click on row number and then on, 'insert - delete row', do I?
Is this really necessary? I'm not a Hufflepuff, you know and deleting rows
doesn't give me any weird Ravenclaw satisfaction, either. Well, not much.
BTW, if as Elkins explained, we're blacklining so that in the event of being
hit by a truck, you can find out from our nearest and dearest how far we're
up to, I think I should warn you that you haven't hope at this end! My best
beloved never even reads his own e-mail and would never think of
investigating what some strange person called Eloise Herisson had been up to!
Wearing a green T-shirt (which brings out the colour of her eyes. OK, look,
it's *sage* green) and mildly allergic to orange, except in the natural
And avoiding trucks.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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