The Ickiest HP theory ever

marinafrants rusalka at
Mon Oct 21 21:02:05 UTC 2002

--- In HP4GU-FAQ at y..., "lucky_kari" <lucky_kari at y...> wrote:
> Well, Marina, I'll make it up to you by furthering the theory and
> taking some of the blame on myself. The reason Voldemort wanted Lily
> to bear him a son should be obvious after this discussion. 
> Organ donation. 

Of course!  It's all part of his quest for immortality.  He was going
to cheat old age by replacing his organs with new ones as he got
older.  But organ transplantation carries a high risk of rejection if
the donor is not a close blood relative.  Since Voldemort had made the
strategic mistake of murdering all his close blood relatives some
years before, he had to go out and make new ones.

rusalka at

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